March 26, 2020

COVID-19 Lexicon and Best Practices Quick References

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Author: Diana Dopfel

To follow up on “Navigating COVID-19: A Briefing for Leaders,” which we posted last week, we’ve created two downloadable, printable references to keep handy as you prepare communications related to COVID-19.

The first, a COVID-19 Lexicon, contains a list of key terms related to COVID-19, including self-quarantine, isolation, lockdown, and others. We’ve also outlined the difference between coronavirus, COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2, so you can be sure you are using the right terms about the virus and the disease that it causes.

Also available is a tip sheet called COVID-19 Leadership Behaviors and Practices, to support business leaders and others as they communicate with stakeholders during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic. It outlines what you should remember to do and have you should remember to act when communicating during such a challenging time.

We hope that you find these resources valuable, and encourage you to share them with others.

We will be updating these materials as needed, so make sure to check back periodically for revised content.