Thought Leadership

If you’re a senior executive, establishing yourself as a thought leader is a powerful tool for advancing the visibility and reputation of the corporate brand. By aligning an executive’s expertise and experience with topics important to the public conversation, we create thought leadership platforms to drive impact. Learn more about our thought leadership services below.

We begin with a deep dive into our client’s experience and interests, looking at both industry-wide issues and specific areas of expertise. Then we identify the broader public dialogue on these topics. What are people discussing? What trends are or could become important? What issues are emergent topics of interest? 

Once we’ve identified areas where a client’s passion overlaps with topics of public interest,  we work together to crystallize their point of view and develop plans to insert the executive’s expertise into the public dialogue, creating an accessible, authentic, and compelling thought leadership platform.

We bring a thought leadership platform to life with compelling content. We leverage relevant news to give our clients a vehicle to comment on relevant topics, increasing general interest in what they have to say. This content can take the form of an op-ed, a bylined article, a short-form video or a LinkedIn article, depending on what format best fits the content and the goals of the platform.

Once we have created compelling content – whether self-published or published in credible industry publications –  we identify relevant, engaging, and trustworthy channels on which the content can be amplified. These channels deliver the leader’s platform to relevant audiences, building their reputation which then accrues back to their corporate brand and company reputation. Today’s social media rich environment creates multiple opportunities to create and distribute compelling content on relevant channels will lead to impact. 

For example, distributing engaging content
through trade media or bylined articles can lead to:

Social media activation

Influencer engagement

Podcast appearances

Conference speaking engagements

And so much more