
Our clients have complex information that is often challenging to present to their key stakeholders. At Orangefiery, we step in to demystify this information by developing communication assets that are easy to understand, creative and engaging. These assets can take various forms, such as videos, infographics, presentations, fact sheets and op-eds.

We work to determine what is the right communication asset to tell our client’s story, as well as what is the best channel and launch timing to deliver the greatest impact.

Our approach to developing
communication assets

Our three-step approach to developing communication assets includes alignment, build and launch. Through this process, we create compelling communication assets that captivate our clients’ audiences’ attention.

Alignment – Before developing any communication materials, we first ensure alignment with our clients on their needs. We survey our clients’ stakeholders about their goals and anticipated use cases for the communication asset. Based on this information, we provide recommendations to our clients on the most suitable asset that will effectively represent their key messages.

Build – We then start building the video, infographic or fact sheet, which is developed using our clients’ core messaging and branding. Throughout this process, we lead a collaborative, multi-step review and editing process to refine the nuanced details of how our clients’ product or service works. ​If needed, we can tap into our network of creatives to add the finishing design touches.

Launch​ – With the completed communicaiton assets ready, we focus on putting it in front of the people who matter. This may involve posting it on social media, showcasing it on our clients’ homepage or using it in a media opportunity. Determining the method in which the asset is presented is as critical as developing the asset itself.

By following this structured three-step process, we ensure that we have strong communication assets that meet our clients’ expectations and have the desired impact with audiences.