Community Engagement


With the launch of a first-in-class treatment for dyskinesia associated with Parkinson’s disease, our client needed to raise awareness of the condition and the brand among key stakeholders: patients, their care partners (CPs), doctors, and advocacy. Orangefiery was tasked with developing a strategy to engage the right communities and support unbranded and branded product communications during this critical post-launch period.



Our team honed in uncovering the white space in a busy, often confusing Parkinson’s disease landscape, identifying areas of opportunity for the company by assessing overarching trends, available resources and current perceptions of our client within the neurological conditions arena. This also required us to dig deep into patient and CPs beliefs around dyskinesia, by collecting primary and secondary research, where we discovered strategy-forming insights.

  • We devised a comprehensive communications strategy to improve product communications including building a social platform for people with dyskinesia and their care partners. We immersed ourselves in the needs of each one of these stakeholders to ensure our messages addressed their realities and concerns while, at the same time, educated on the unmet need. Then we built a community from the ground up utilizing relationships with advocacy organizations to help spread the word.
  • Through our advocacy relations and knowledge of the space, we deployed an unbranded disease awareness Facebook campaign featuring educational and advocacy resources, information on dyskinesia and a forum for those affected by dyskinesia. We also created a number of tailored extension plans aimed at key stakeholders (e.g., thought leaders, bloggers) to keep dialogue going, including opportunities for maintaining dialogue and ongoing information sharing.


In three short months our online community grossed 156k targeted engagements – an example of how collaboration, understanding of the space, and compelling content is critical to on-message, actionable education about dyskinesia. We gained an even stronger understanding of the challenges facing the audience and were able to adjust our messaging and approaches, as needed, to build a strong community and raise awareness of dyskinesia symptoms and resources.